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  • Můra (Czechia) - Doom Invocations and Narcotic Rituals (EP) 2021

MŮRA - Doom Invocations and Narcotic Rituals tape

$ 8.00 USD
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MŮRA are a brand-new Czechian entity featuring members from The Tower and Sekeromlat. And while the quartet's debut recording is a "mere" two songs, Mura totals 20 minutes and drags the listener deep into an abyss of sepulchral-cum-bestial DEATH.

MŮRA utterly punish with a world-eating sound that patiently reveals its horrors. From zero-BPM doom lumbering into swirling death metalled cacophony, from caveman-primitive throbs into tense 'n' hypnotic tropes betraying a wealth of nuance, Doom Invocations and Narcotic Rituals unfurls a wide-screen canvas of dread, disease, filth, foulness... What's more, the recording is rough and raw yet remarkably massive; even taking the EP on its production alone is an overwhelming experience in itself.

And this is but the start for MŮRA! More horrors to come, and Doom Invocations and Narcotic Rituals is thus recommended for maniacs of Temple Nightside, Antediluvian, Grave Upheaval, Encoffination, and the modern Danish death metal scene.

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